The meaning of 53...
The meaning of 53...
We are indivisible with God...

1st Book : The Meaning of 53...
Book description
Louis Armand is an engineer, and he holds a master’s degree in economic sciences. In 1994, when he was enrolled at the university to become an engineer, he was the fifty-third student. He has been keeping that number for two decades and for no apparent reason. On September 7, 2014, during a very moment of prayer, he saw a light that completely blinded his eyes. From that date, everything about life—the most important dates in his life, some people in his life and his family, the companies he has worked for, the street he has lived on, and almost everything in his environment—are explained by the numbers 5 and 3. Louis Armand confirms these occurrences using the addition and the letter in the alphabet.
It turns out that number has a lot of occurrences in the Bible. Isaiah 53 refers to Jesus as the perfect servant. The word perfect is used fifty-three times in the Bible. The word pastor is used fifty-three times in the Old Testament and fifty-three times in the New Testament. The word I Am is used fifty-three times in the Gospel of John. And finally, the word rescuer is used fifty-three times in the Bible. These four characters of Jesus are presented in the four gospels. Jesus is the I Am (God), the pastor, the perfect servant, and the rescuer.
The number 53 is an indivisible number. The 5 is the human number. And the 3 is God’s number reunited in the Trinity. The number 53 means that as human beings, we are indivisible with God. In the entire creation, only the human being has the option of redemption through Jesus Christ. And since the number 5 precedes the number 3, everything we want from God starts with us.
Louis Armand’s life has been changed forever. His goal is to go around the world to spread the message: we are indivisible with God.
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